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Scholarship Fund

The Special Operations Defense Industry Scholarship Fund began through a tragedy when we lost our friend and colleague, Kevin Tilghman, while he was representing USSOCOM SORDAC Science and Technology directorate in the demonstration of a Norwegian fast boat.  His tragic loss was a poignant reminder of the sacrifices our fellow industry heroes and their families have made in the Global War on Terror.


We resolved to never forget our fallen industry heroes so we consequently started this chapter fund to provide college scholarships to the Tilghman children and others who through their own unfortunate loss, would have similar needs.  We humbly thank Mrs. Lisa Tilghman for the privilege we experienced in launching our fund to honor all of our Special Operations Defense Industry heroes in fond memory of our friend and colleague, Kevin Tilghman.

Proceeds from our chapter activities and fundraising events are deposited into this chapter scholarship fund.  Direct contributions to the fund are welcome. We also ask for you assistance with the ongoing challenge of identifying any families of Special Operation Defense Industry colleagues who have made the ultimate sacrifice in direct support of special operations.  Our chapter point of contact for the scholarship fund is Mr. Bob Yuill at:

The Special Operations Defense Industry Scholarship Fund provides scholarship grants to the children of deceased defense industry colleagues killed in direct support to U.S. Special Operations Forces since 2010.


The Special Operations Defense Industry Scholarship (SODIS) Fund was formed in 2010 and operates from the proceeds of the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) Greater Tampa Bay Chapter.  NDIA is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization promoting national security since 1919.


To make an individual contribution to the SODIS Fund, please click the “Register Now” link below to make a payment via credit card or PayPal account.  Please send checks, scholarship applications, or inquiries to the address or email shown to the left.  

Thank you for supporting the children of our brave special operations defense industry colleagues.

2024 NDIA Model Chapter 

(C) 2025 By NDIA Tampa Bay

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